About The Authors

Sarah Getchell

“Live the life YOU choose, NOT the one everyone else expects.”

Since I was around 16, so many people have tried to tell me what I should be. They don’t understand who I am or what my dreams are. The only ones in my life who have always supported my goals are my family, especially my dad. When I insisted he co-author “Firebound Harmony” with me, he stepped right up and added the depth I couldn’t.

Like our main character, Jaylen, I am a big animal lover and enjoy the outdoors. I care so deeply for animals that it breaks my heart to see a sick or injured one. I want to be successful so I have the resources to help as many animals as possible. Now, here I am, a published author. It’s amazing what you can do if you follow your dreams.

I love just hanging out with my family; they are my whole world. My mom is my rock. She supports me all the time and helps me keep going. My brother is kind of wacky and crazy, and he annoys me sometimes, but honestly, we are inseparable—we’re more like twins. My dad is my best friend. He has never failed me, and he is such an awesome person.

Together, we wrote “Firebound Harmony: Princess and Dragon Unite.” We filled its pages with our heart and soul, telling a story that can teach many people how to overcome fear and prejudice. Please go buy your copy today and find out for yourself.

Patrick Getchell

“NOBODY can determine your reality. ONLY YOU have that power.”

This quote sums up my life completely. Throughout my life, people have told me I can’t be successful. They say I’m not talented enough, smart enough, or whatever else they think will deter me from my goals. Well, here I am—I just published my very first novel along with my co-author and daughter, Sarah.

Like the dragons in our debut novel, I have always been judged based on my appearance or where I live. Very few have gotten to know me. Yet, here I am. I love the outdoors and am one of the biggest fans of books like Anne McCaffrey’s “Dragonriders of Pern” and Christopher Paolini’s “Inheritance Cycle.”

My family is the most important thing in my life. My wife of 22 years, Theresa, is my strongest supporter. My son, Hunter, is the absolute most awesome son. He is always there to help with whatever I need, and we are the best team in Monster Hunter. Then, of course, there is my daughter, Sarah. Twenty-one years old but smarter and wiser than most people twice her age. She is my best friend and the perfect co-author. We speak the same literary language, so to speak.

I encourage you all to read “Firebound Harmony: Princess and Dragon Unite.” It is an incredible story with many lessons hidden in its pages. There is plenty of action, and the female main character is strong, smart, and wise—just like Sarah